Michigan CPL
Renewal Classes

Do you Know...

  • What new laws were added in the last year?  Last 5 years?
  • The rules governing use of force in self defense?
  • Every concealed pistol free zone?
  • If you can be sued after using force?
  • How long you have to disclose if you are carrying and you are stopped by police?
  • How you need to store your firearms?
  • If you can legally borrow or lend a pistol?
  • Every law that pertains to carrying a concealed pistol?

Would you bet your life on it?

Michigan CPL Renewal Class
Legal Refresher

  • 5 Stars, 500+ Reviews

    We go above and beyond to ensure you have the best experience, and our reviews show our commitment to excellence

  • In-Person or Virtual Classes

    Join us in person or over the internet to get the best CPL renewal education

  • Legal Deep-Dive

    We cover the Michigan laws like no other… giving you a better understanding of use of force laws and changes so you won’t become a felon by accident

What Others Say

This was a great class with an amazing instructor. I learned more here than I did on my initial class AND was brought up to speed on the recent Michigan changes. Highly recommend!

tom m

Tom M

I’ve been handling firearms for years, earning an Expert Pistol Badge from the Marine Corps and attending multiple CPL classes over the past decade. Will and Dan’s course at US Gun Classes CPL Training is by far the best I’ve ever taken. Their expertly articulated instruction made complex material easy to understand. The inclusion of Michigan law and an accessible Michigan State Police update format was invaluable. Can’t say enough positive things about them—highly recommend!

Dan U

I took the CPL renewal class and am really happy that I did. It was very well taught, was interesting, and most importantly I realized that I wasn’t following the law while carrying at times. I’m so thankful that I can fix that before I have major problems. I was ignorant. Obviously, it didn’t sink in the first time!

Sara L

Michigan CPL Renewal Classes

Class is taught live using Zoom by lead instructor Will Luker and Dan K.  Camera is not required. Certificates emailed after class.  Zoom link emailed separately the day before class.

Michigan CPL Renewal Classes

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Questions? Text or Call 248-662-5744

This was an excellent presentation. Frankly, better than my initial course for my CPL years ago.

wiley r

Wiley R

Excellent CPL class. There were many gray areas that concerned me even though I have a concealed weapon license. This class is the best I’ve ever attended. Many different examples were used to clarify potential legal issues while carrying your concealed weapon. Detailed explanations were used to clearly understand Michigan CPL laws. It was fun and interesting; I highly recommend this CPL Class.


Robert Schulkins, COL(RET) USAR

Will and Dan

Michigan CPL Renewal Class Details

  • What is an MCL?
  • Your obligation to KNOW and FOLLOW every law in Michigan pertaining to carrying a concealed pistol
  • Use of deadly force
  • Defending yourself in your home
  • Use of force other than deadly force
  • Duty to retreat
  • Rebuttable presumptions
  • Civil liability
  • Criminal liability
  • Making statements to the police
  • Reading the actual law itself
  • Concealed pistol-free zones
  • Transportation of firearms
  • Documentation you need to have with you while carrying
  • Handling stops by law enforcement
  • Carrying while impaired
  • Application process
  • Renewal requirements and process
  • Brandishing
  • Safe storage laws
  • Considerations while carrying
  • And More!

Why You Need This Class

Know the Law

Learn updates, changes and get refreshed on the do’s and don’ts of carrying and the use of force in self defense.  This is what we’re known for.

Satisfy State Requirement

The state of Michigan requires you to spend a minimum of 3 hours reviewing your course material.  Be compliant and keep up-to-date, all at the same time

Proof of Training

You’ll get a certificate to show you’ve taken our CPL Renewal course.  This demonstrates you went above and beyond to be responsible

Don't Become a Felon by Accident

When you choose to carry a concealed pistol, that’s a lot of liability.  You are expected to know every single law in Michigan, and to follow them.  If you don’t remember one, you won’t be getting a free pass from the police

Classes are cheap.
Lawyers are expensive.
Freedom is priceless.

Michigan CPL Renewal Requirements

  • Review your CPL course material for at least 3 hours.
  • Visit a range and complete at least 1 hour of shooting within the 6 months before your renewal application.


By submitting your renewal application, you certify that:

  • You’ve completed the 3-hour course review.
  • You’ve done the 1-hour range practice in the last 6 months

A certificate from a renewal class (like ours) isn’t mandatory, but it provides proof that you’ve completed the requirements if needed.

Proof of training isn’t required by the County Clerk’s Office or the online system during renewal.

How to Renew your CPL

  • In-Person: Visit your County Clerk’s Office to renew your CPL.
  • Online: Complete the entire renewal process online using a PIN provided by your County Clerk’s Office. You can:
    • Apply online by going to the CPL Renewal Application Website and using the PIN sent to your address 6 months before your CPL expiration date.
    • Lost your PIN? Contact the County Clerk’s Office or the Michigan State Police CPL Division to request it.
  • Cost: $115

Questions? Text or Call 248-662-5744

We do More than Renewal Classes...

Michigan CPL Classes

Quality CPL class that includes deep dive into the law that will keep  you informed and entertained.  You don’t need to own your own firearm either!

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Virtual CPL Classes

Get your Michigan CPL by attending the classroom portion on Zoom, and then signing up for our 3 hour range course to satisfy the Michigan CPL training requirements.

3 Hour Range Course

Learn shooting fundamentals and put them to practice with certified instructors next to you every step of the way, no experience necessary!

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Become an Instructor

Have what it takes to educate the public about responsible firearm handling and ownership?  Get certified as a USCCA certified instructor and take your passion to the next level.

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Michigan CPL Questions and Information

Which classes are accepted in Michigan for a CPL?

There are several.  You could take the US Concealed Carry Association’s “Concealed Carry and Home Defense Fundamentals” course, MCRGO’s CPL class, NRA’s Personal Protection in the Home class, and any MCOLES-approved curriculum that’s taught at an approved law enforcement training facility.

Do Michigan veterans have to take a CPL course?

Yes, there is no training exception to the training requirement for prior military service.

Can you take a CPL class online in Michigan?

Yes, however, there is still an in-person component that cannot be done online.  The law requires 8 hours of instruction, including 5 hours of classroom and 3 hours of range instruction.  There is no law that prohibits the classroom portion from taking place online, but the online portion must be compliant with regards to the subject matter and the time.  A student would also have to do at least 3 hours of range instruction at a shooting range and shoot at least 30 rounds of ammunition in order to be issued a certificate.

Do I need to take a class in my County?

No.  All CPL training certificates are good in all counties in Michigan, no matter what city you took the class in.

How Fast Will I Get My CPL?

After you submit your CPL application and get your fingerprints taken, the county has 45 days to run your background and issue the permit but most people receive their license by mail within 2 – 3 weeks.

Can you carry a gun in a bank in Michigan?

Per MCL 750.234d, it is a 90 day misdemeanor to possess a firearm on premises of a bank or depository financial institution unless you have a valid concealed pistol license (CPL) from Michigan or another state or you have permission of the owner (or agent) of the bank.  If you have a CPL, you may legally possess a firearm in a bank provided there are no prohibitions put in place by the bank such as a policy prohibiting firearms on the bank’s property.

Do you still need a CPL in Michigan?

Unless you are exempted from requiring a CPL to carry a firearm (law enforcement officer, etc), you still need a CPL to legally carry a concealed pistol in public.  Constitutional carry package of bills did not become law in Michigan, and nothing else has changed that would negate the need to have a valid Michigan CPL to carry a concealed pistol.

Can you get a CPL at 18 in Michigan?

No.  You must be at least 21 years old to be eligible for a Michigan CPL.

Can a felon get a CPL in Michigan?

No, with exceptions.  If you have ever been convicted of a felony in Michigan or any other state, you are ineligible for a CPL.  However, if that conviction has been set aside and the applicant is otherwise qualified, the individual may not be denied a CPL per Michigan AG opinion 7133 on May 02, 2003.

How long does a CPL last?

Your CPL expires on your birthday, and is good for a maximum of 5 years.  The first time you receive your CPL, it will expire on your birthday and be valid for between 4 and 5 years, depending upon the date the CPL is issued.  When you renew, it will be valid for the full 5 years.

How old do you have to be to take a CPL class?

There is no age limit imposed by Michigan for taking the class, so it is up to the instructor’s discretion.  If a person is under 21, passes the class and is given a certificate, he or she could use that certificate when they do turn 21 as long as they took the class within 5 years of their CPL application date.

How old do you have to be to have a CPL in Michigan?

21 years old.  You make take the class prior to your 21st birthday, but a person would have to wait until they are at least 21 years old to submit their CPL application to the county.

Can a CPL holder open carry in Michigan?

Yes.  In fact, having a CPL allows a person to open carry in many more locations that would otherwise be restricted, such as banks and property owned or leased by an establishment that has a liquor license.

How much does it cost to take a concealed carry class in Michigan?

Prices vary from instructor to instructor, but most classes end up costing between $70 – $200 after factoring in ammo, gun rental, class materials and range time.

What are CPL Classes?

To get a concealed pistol license (CPL) in Michigan, you are required to take a training course first.  These CPL classes are 8 hours long, and include classroom training and instruction on the shooting range.

How Long are CPL Classes in Michigan?

The CPL class must be a minimum of 8 hours long, including 5 hours of classroom instruction and 3 hours of range time and safety training.  Most CPL classes are taught as one 8 hour day, although the actual time might be over 8 hours factoring in lunch breaks and questions.

What is a CPL in Michigan?

A CPL stands for “Concealed Pistol License.”  This is the license a person must get to carry a concealed pistol or taser in Michigan.  Often, a CPL is incorrectly referred to as a CCW License.

Seal of the State of Michigan
USCCA Instructor for CCW Classes
NRA Certified CCW Instructors

Be your own first responder

Our classes fill up, so don’t delay.  Nobody can predict when or where evil will strike, all we can do is be prepared.