How to Buy a Firearm from a Dealer or Private Seller

Step 1) Verify that you meet the eligibility requirements of Kentucky
Step 2) Find a gun or firearms dealer in Kentucky. In Kentucky, you can purchase guns from private sellers or firearms dealers with federal licenses.
Step 3) When you finally visit the dealership, bring photo ID with you (ie: driver’s license).
Step 4) You can take your gun or firearm home with you on the day of purchase. There is no mandatory waiting period.
The Dealer would run a background check prior to selling you the firearm or pistol
In regards to purchasing from a private seller, Kentucky does not require private sellers to initiate background checks when selling firearms.

Purchasing from a Dealer

If you decide to purchase a pistol from a dealer, the Dealer would run a background check prior to selling you the firearm or pistol.

Kentucky CCDW Classes

No Classes

Purchasing from a Private Seller

In regards to purchasing from a private seller, Kentucky does not require private sellers to initiate background checks when selling firearms.